November 24, 2019

Things to look forward to...

Kunst kann nicht nur in Bezug auf ihre Schönheit und Handwerkskunst wahrgenommen werden. Sie müssen es auch im Lichte seiner politischen Botschaften bewerten.
(Art cannot solely be perceived in regard to its beauty and craftsmanship. You also have to evaluate it in light of its political messages.)

Nah...  That wasn't Dr. Goebbels speaking.  I just slapped his photo above the German translation of a statement made a few days ago by one Max Hollein, the new director of New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art.*

I now look forward to a book-burning rally to be organized by the the New York Public Library in the near future.

*  "At the Entrenched Met Museum, the New Director Shakes Things Up", New York Times, 20 November 2019.

November 15, 2019


Americans struggle to ID true facts

14 November 2019

True facts???  But then why not?  After all, the truest fact of all is that the once respectable news agencies now employ stupid imbeciles incapable of using their vocabularies of words in ways which avoid superfluously redundant adjectives.

Has there ever been a better time for human people with pathetically stunted mental minds?

November 13, 2019

How many words is a picture worth?

The familiar adage assures us that a picture is worth a thousand words.  The one above, however, is worth only three: