July 3, 2018

From the poster boys of the Wisdom Industry

[Those whose] work is the use of the body, and if this is the best that can come from them - are slaves by nature. For them it is better to be ruled...

Wives, servants, and children are possessed in a way akin to our possession of objects. If they flee, they must be returned to the owner if he demands them, without regard for the cause that led them to flee.   ...
A child that comes into the world apart from marriage is born outside the law (for the law is marriage) and therefore outside the protection of the law. [The society] can ignore its existence (since it rightly should not have come to exist in this way), and can therefore also ignore its annihilation.
IMMANUEL KANT, The Metaphysics of Morals

No wonder  it was such a happy day in Richard Feynman's life when his son Carl abandoned philosophy for computer science...

1 comment:

Colin Green said...

Almost every philosopher has said things which to modern ears, maybe even those of his or her contemporaries, sounds daft or unsustainable. I’m not sure that’s a particularly fair way to judge them of their thinking. Both Aristotle and Kant had many valuable things to say in the sphere of moral philosophy and their work should be judged as a whole, not on isolated quotes. We all talk rubbish on occasions, but thankfully we don’t usually write it down or nobody bothers to make a note of it.