January 27, 2019


Baby Asian elephant born at upstate New York zoo

January 26, 2019

Baby?  When has the world last witnessed the birth of an adult elephant?

How do such illiterate dimwits get writing (or editorial) jobs with major news outfits?  Have they been taught anything in their high school and college English classes besides their obligation to join the new Hitlerjugend cohorts clamoring for public executions of those who doubt the existence of white privilege, toxic masculinity, and global warming?

If the emergence of language was the most important development in our evolutionary history, perhaps its now on-going disintegration signals the approaching end of the human species?


Bill said...

It is.

Néstor Castiglione said...

As bad as it is in English, you should get a load of how the Spanish language is being debased ever further by the day. Even in “prestigious” periodicals. The end is nigh!

Colin Green said...

The following, from Steven Pinker's “The Sense of Style, The Thinking Person's Guide to Writing in the 21st Century" (Allen Lane, 2014), is instructive:

"Complaints about the decline of language go at least as far back as the invention of the printing press. Soon after William Caxton set up the first one in England in 1478, he lamented, "And certaynly our language bow vsed veryeth ferre from what whiche was vsed and spoken when I was borne.” Indeed, moral panic about the decline of writing may be as old as writing itself…According to the English scholar, Richard Lloyd-Jones, some of the clay tablets deciphered from ancient Summerian include complaints about the deteriorating writing skills of the young.”

Pinker illustrates the point with a wonderful cartoon:
